EMF’s are all around us, both natural and non-native. Some natural EMF’s are found to be good for us as we have evolved around them.
There are many studies showing that many of the non-native EMF’s can effect us even on a cellular level!
There are 4 main EMF issues to look at.

AC Electric Fields
AC Electric Fields can come from high power transmission lines as well as the wires in your house walls. On the typical constructed home, the Electric Fields can me measured up to 6 to 8 feet from the wall.

AC Magnetic Fields
AC Magnetic Fields can come from power transmission lines, the wires in your house walls, appliances, wiring errors, metal pipes etc.

Dirty electricity
Dirty electricity also known by several other terms such as Micro-surge Electrical Pollution (MEP), Electromagnetic interference (EMI), radio-frequency interference (RFI) etc. This is basically harmonics and the electrical noise or frequencies that ride on or add or subtract to the household power that has a frequency of 60 Hz in North America.

RF Radiation
Radio Frequencies are now everywhere and most homes basically have "mini cell towers" like Wi-Fi routers, Wi-Fi extenders, cordless phones, etc. within the home. Our world is revolving around this technology. It can be very useful and helpful, but there are many studies that show the darker side to this technology.